Just Show Us The Damn Birth Certificate Already So We’ll Shut The Hell Up!


‘Shut up Lou Dobbs’ campaign hits stride
CNN anchor simply wants birth certificate revealed

AOL poll: 82% want Obama to release it
Say president should show American people birth certificate

U.S. conspiracists question Obama’s birth certificate
‘They’re looking for ways to reduce the greatness of his purity as a person’
–London Telegraph

CNN president: Obama birther story ‘dead’
‘Anyone who still is not convinced doesn’t really have a legitimate beef’
–Los Angeles Times

NYT discovers WND’s billboard campaign
Says controversy ‘fueled by the combustible combination of luck … savvy activists’
–New York Times

Media mischief, Obama eligibility and the ‘dispositive fact’
‘Most reporters today are intentionally misstating the facts’

Constitutional crisis looming over eligibility?
With every passing day, odds increase of U.S. being polarized like never before
–August Crisis

Now you can watch eligibility story
Farah produces 1st feature documentary on Obama mystery

Join over 400,000 others in seeking citizenship proof
Petition demands verification of Obama’s eligibility

Demand soars for eligibility postcards
Birth certificate issue remains uppermost in readers concerns

One Response

  1. Old Russian saying…You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!

    Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"

    In Russia government make media say what they want – even if lie.
    In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want – even if lie..
    …..eventually they become same thing?!

    I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at http://www.igormaro.org

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