10 Predictions for 2013

Activist Post

This past year, 2012, was an eventful year. We had another Olympics, a U.S. presidential election, the warmest year on record, and lived through the Mayan apocalypse. However, many things did not occur that many of the trend seers predicted, especially dramatic events that made the boldest predictions.

As we enter 2013, time itself seems to be speeding up or condensing to make the potential for dramatic events more likely. Tipping points appear to have been breached on many fronts, and what waits on the other side is difficult to know.

But let’s break out the crystal ball here and make some bold predictions for 2013.

These predictions weren’t acquired by some esoteric powers to see the future; rather they’re derived from riding the current wave of information and guessing where that flow may lead. They may seem bold to some, while the most aware readers may recognize them as foregone conclusions.

So without further ado, here are our top 10 predictions for 2013:

1. Stock market decline: Many economic forecasters have been predicting a stock market crash every year since the financial crisis of 2008. Yet, it has remained strong and even hit a 3-year high in September, 2012. There are many false reasons for this strength that don’t have to do with real economic growth; devalued dollars, cheap money for Wall Street banks, corporations hoarding cash and investments, etc. It’s a false bull market. That is why we feel comfortable predicting a significant decline in the stock market during 2013.

The real economy has been papered over for decades, but the numbers in the false economycan no longer dam the wave of reality. Endless quantitative easing, a quadrillion in world derivatives, over-extended personal debt, lowest ever percentage of the population working, and increased social burden of record food stamps and other programs will finally burst the dam in 2013.

The Baltic Dry index, which is believed to be the best indicator of our consumer economy,suffered a dramatic loss in December. Some say a new recession is already here and the stock market will soon reflect that with a crash in 2013.  Look for the Dow Jones to dip below the 10K mark (around 30% or more) next year.

2. Precious metals rise over 50%: Using the same data points as the previous prediction, we predict gold and silver to rise at least 50%.

As the mass exodus from the stock market and other paper investments takes place, individual and institutional investors will start a new gold rush. Indeed, this is already happening.

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Detoxifying strategies and periodic cleansing periods are essential to health in the modern world

Dr. David Jockers

Life in the 21st century is full of stress and environmental toxicity. We have over 80,000 toxic chemicals in our surrounding environment that we are interacting with regularly. A lifestyle of daily detoxifying strategies and periodic cleansing periods is essential to health in the modern world.

Researchers estimate through various studies that the average person living today is carrying a minimum of 700 known toxins in their blood, skin, fat tissue, brain tissue, liver, digestive and other organ systems. Some of the major contaminant agents are found in household cleaning agents, personal hygiene products, lawn care, food, water and other drinks as well as the air we are breathing.

The body burden

The body does everything it can to bind and eliminate these chemicals every day. The major elimination organs are the colon, skin, kidneys and lungs. These organs should go through a daily detoxification process. If this doesn’t happen, the waste products and toxins accumulate in the cells and tissues of the body. This toxic bioaccumulatory process causes inflammation and damage that leads to chronic disease and abnormal brain and nervous system activity.

The digestive system, kinetic energy system and immune system all compete for energy. When we are eating throughout the day, it drives more energy into our digestive system and away from our immune system. This is especially the case if we are eating low-energy foods such as sugars, grains and other processed foods.

Low energy foods and environmental toxins cause a back jam in the digestive system and elimination organs. This creates an environment for opportunistic parasites to thrive. The parasites excrete more toxic substances that effect lymphatic function, cellular oxygenation and immunity.

The goal of cleansing

The goal of a cleansing program is to flush out impurities and optimize function. It gives the over-burdened internal organs time for physiological rest and rehabilitation. This frees up energy to enhance healing processes. This also allows the body to utilize enzymes for clearing out parasites and abnormal cell development.

During a cleansing period, most people will feel a myriad of different experiences. Many feel tired and weak for the first two days and then often feel clear and peaceful by the third day. Some people remark that they feel the best while they are cleansing while others feel awful.

The major results people experience with or after a cleansing period include:

– Excess weight loss and improved energy enhanced immunity
– Better skin and hair along with reduced pain and more restful sleep
– Mental clarity, better digestion and improved healing

Daily detoxification strategies include an anti-inflammatory diet that is low in sugar and starch. This lifestyle is loaded with fermented foods, anti-oxidant rich superfoods and herbs. The bulk of the calories should come from good fats such as coconut and avocados and clean proteins from organic and grass-fed animal products. Cycles of intermittent fasting with quality fluid intake for periods of 12-18 hours daily are highly beneficial for eliminating a majority of toxins consumed that day.

Periodic cleansing periods where solid food is eliminated for periods of 24-72 hours are highly recommended. Water fasting is not recommended as it can lead to key electrolyte deficiencies that can wreak havoc on the body. An appropriate cleanse should be supported with fermented drinks that provide potassium, enzymes, organic acids and B vitamins to resource the elimination channels.

It is also advantageous to use coconut oil during the cleansing period. Coconut oil feeds the immune system and helps provide medium-chain triglycerides that destroy parasitic microorganisms. It also helps to provide a clean energy source for the brain and reduces inflammation.

Sources for this article include:


About the author:
Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to www.drjockers.com To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to www.maximizedliving.com Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals

Brits Petition Government: We Don’t Want Piers Morgan Back

Paul Joseph Watson

Brits have responded to the petition calling on the White House to deport Piers Morgan for his anti-second amendment stance by lodging a petition of their own with UK Home Secretary Theresa May entitled ‘Stop Piers Morgan from being deported back to the UK from America’.

The original petition to deport Morgan for his unconstitutional rhetoric following the Sandy Hook school shooting has now achieved almost 70,000 signatures, well beyond the 25,000 required to mandate a White House response.

However, a counter-petition which features on the change.org website calls on the UK government to prevent Morgan from returning to the UK.

“We got rid of him once and why should we have to suffer again. The Americans wanted him so they should put up with him. We washed our hands of him a long time ago,” the petition reads.

The petition is authored by a user named “hackergate” and includes a YouTube video of the former News of the World editor testifying before the Leveson inquiry into the phone hacking scandal.

Morgan has been accused of being complicit in the scandal but only appeared in front of the inquiry via a video link from the United States. The CNN host’s claim that he had no knowledge of the phone hacking scandal was described by Lord Justice Leveson as “utterly unpersuasive”.

Morgan was hired by CNN as a prime time host despite the fact that he was fired from his editorial position at the Daily Mirror for publishing a fake news story in May 2004.

British television personality Jeremy Clarkson has also weighed in on the controversy over Morgan by tweeting a plea for him to remain in America.

“Americans. It took us 40 years to get rid of Piers Morgan. Please don’t send him back,” remarked Clarkson.

Morgan himself addressed the controversy, which quickly turned into a viral story after the petition was first lodged by Infowars.com, commenting yesterday, “Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me deported.”

As Infowars documented in a previous article, Morgan’s assault on the constitutional rights of American citizens is not protected under the first amendment because he is not a U.S. citizen.

Legal precedent suggests that Morgan could be deported from the United States for openly engaging in subversion by calling for Americans to be disarmed, but the fact that he has cultivated a friendly personal relationship with Barack Obama, something which denigrates his supposed impartiality on CNN further, makes that outcome a long shot.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.


Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back

Dan Roberts

News that a mandatory, government sponsored gun buy back scheme is in the planning stages emerged last Friday.

Friday is well known as the day of the week in the news cycle to release information or statements that is unusually controversial or ” bad news” , the theory being that the general public will be so distracted by the upcoming weekend that they will pay little if any attention.

Exploiting this common practice, word emerged at the end of last week that Congresswoman Dianne Feinstein and NY State Gov Andrew Cuomo are actively working on a planned govt fiat to seize lawfully owned private property without cause. In the form of an Australian style MANDATORY firearms buy back program, going so far as to tout that Countries program and so called positive results, while conveniently omitting the fact that Australia’s violent crime rate dramatically increased in the wake of the scheme and continues unabated.

While details are scant in both Feinstein’s and Cuomo’s press release on the plan, Cuomo was quoted as making it clear that the buyback would be compulsory and participation mandatory. Although it remains a question what the penalties for non compliance would be. Cuomo further added that they would make gun owners “an offer they can’t refuse” when referring to buyback amounts of up to 500 dollars.

Sounding more like a NY mafioso then a “leader” in a Free State with significant Constitutional Protections in the way. Cuomo’s offer serves not only to further reveal his elitist arrogance, but also highlights his ignorance, presuming that the owner of a 1 , 2 or 3000 dollar firearm (or multiple ones) would roll over and comply for a cash value orders of magnitude below retail values.

Also worthy of note is Dianne Feinstein’s previous quotes on the news program 60 Minutes several years ago. During her interview with Mike Wallace about the 1994 to 2004 Clinton Era“Assault Weapons Ban” , where Feinstein lamented the fact she felt the law didn’t go far enough and stated “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”

This is the same Feinstein who admitted in another, different interview that when she felt threatened by terrorists, she carried a gun for self defense and stated “I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.” — 27 April 1995.

And Gov Cuomo has a taxpayer supplied 24/7 security detail armed with actual, real fully automatic “assault weapons” at his side and disposal for his safety and the safety of his loved ones.

There should now be overwhelming evidence to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that we are no longer being “led” by elected Officials that took their Oath of Office seriously, but by rulers, tyrants who would be Kings, no different then King George III. We might as well take down Old Glory from every State Capitol and the US Capitol in DC and replace it with the Union Jack, while we’re at it, we can rename Congress, Parliament, because there really are no significant recognizable differences between the yoke of tyranny we are under today and the one we threw off over 200 years ago.

If Feinstein’s and Cuomo’s plan is allowed to proceed even one step further without being vociferously and publicly protested and killed in utero, they will have effectively struck the match and lit the fuse on a Second American Revolution.

About Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights.As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at DRoberts@ammoland.com You can also find him on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dan.roberts.18

7 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

Jan Edwards

Natural Society

With the myriad of toxins we’re exposed to in modern society, we’re faced with an increasing burden of unnatural substances that invade our bodies, from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to air and water pollution, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals in our food, and the list goes on. Our current unhealthy living conditions call for a few radical corrective measures, if our goal is to maintain any level of healthy lifestyle. One of those corrective measures is to partake in a holistic detox.

The following is a list of various recommendations to effectively lessen your internal toxin levels, which can be done in any combination for increased effectiveness. For optimum results, these should be applied on a regular or seasonal basis, and at minimum once a year.

1. Include Plenty of Deep Colored Vegetables, Herbs and Algae in Your Dietary Arsenal

Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and heavy metal chelators. Dark green vegetables and herbs alkalize and purify the blood, making it easier for the body to rid itself of wastes with less discomfort or “healing crisis” (when the loosening of toxic debris causes a sick or flu- like reaction). You can juice these, include them in salads, and/or mix powdered forms into water or juice for a quick and effective dose.

2. Try Fasting with Lemon Water, Cayenne Pepper and Maple Syrup

This is a radical, but very effective method of giving your digestive system a much needed break from the constant intake of less than optimal foods and flushing out harmful substances. A period of 3 to 7 days, 3 to 4 times a year is a sufficient and proactive strategy. (Use as much lemon as possible, with just enough maple syrup to make it palatable.) Drink as much as desired throughout the day.

Of course lemon water anytime has great benefits.

3. Fast with Juice! A Grade-A Health-Boosting Method for Health

Devote 3 to 14 days (or more for the advanced juice faster) to consuming only fresh, organic, unpasteurized vegetable and fruit juices. Kale, celery, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce, ginger and lemon are all excellent choices for neutralizing acidity in the body, increasing our nutrient levels, and flushing our systems of unwanted materials. Remember to actually juice real foods, and not buy bottled juices from supermarkets.

4. Apply a Series of Enemas, Professional Colonics, or a Colon Cleanse

Every substance that goes into our mouths ends up in our colons, where our bodies absorb nutrients, as well as any pollutants that came along for the ride. Though enemas and colon cleanses may seem uncomfortable or strange, cleaning the colon on a regular basis is considered by many experts to be an essential action to take in maintaining an internally clean, healthy environment. Colonics may not be for everyone, so a high-quality colon cleanser could be the preferred choice.

5. Eat a Diet of Predominantly High Water Content, Ripe Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, and Juiced Vegetable

Try this: Eat only fruit and/or vegetable juice for breakfast, and as much as desired. Again for lunch have as much fruit and juice as desired, followed by a large colorful salad with any dairy free dressing. For dinner, eat more fruit if possible, followed by another large salad consisting of as many vegetables as desired. Top it off with a baked sweet potato, yam, or red/purple potatoes, and add spices (preferably low salt). Heavier foods like meat, dairy, beans, and even most grains will slow down, or even stop the detoxification process, so be conservative with these foods if you really want to experience results.

6. Sweat it Out!

Detoxing your body naturally through sweating is very important. Through moderate amounts of cardio exercise, wastes is removed through pores on the skin. Aim to sweat at least fifteen minutes every day. You can even follow up with a detoxifying brushing of our skin from head to toe with a boar bristle brush to remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.

7. Get Plenty of Sleep!

Sleeping causes your body to go into a state of cleansing and regeneration. Without proper and sufficient sleep, detoxification organs don’t get the full recharge they need to function at optimal levels. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, in a dark, noiseless environment for optimal results.

In addition to applying these seven steps to detoxifying from hazardous foods and environmental substances, it’s important to remember to hydrate and cleanse your body by drinking plenty of mineralized purified water daily (half of body weight in ounces).

We should be cautious and conscious in our daily lifestyle choices. Consuming safe, natural, and nutrient rich foods, beverages, supplements, and body products, as well as cleansing, hydrating, and detoxifying are the foundation of a proper chemical balance. A higher awareness of our internal and external environments is key. It’s much easier to prevent toxification and maintain a healthy body than attempt to clean up damage that’s already been done. As in life, being proactive beats being reactive by a long shot.

Additional Sources:


“The Detox Miracle Sourcebook” by Dr. Robert Morse ND.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/7-methods-holistic-detox-cleansing-body-toxic-exposure/#ixzz2GCWZk4hz

Iran Launches Week-Long Straits Of Hormuz Naval Drill On Friday, Next To US Aircraft Carrier

Zero Hedge

With the market still hopeful of some deus ex resolution to the Fiscal Cliff will take place in the last few trading sessions of the year (one where the market itself will not have to be the catalyst for such a resolution, because once the selling starts in earnest, who knows if and when it stops, hence the loading up on prodigious amounts of puts), here is Iran out of left field, adding yet another known unknown to the inequality, announcing that it will begin six days of naval drills in the Straits of Hormuz on Friday. In other words a one year flashback deja vu, as Iran held a similar 10-day drill last December, when everyone was expecting an imminent escalation out of the endless Israel-Iran foreplay and was analyzing which were the new moon days allowing Israel unobstructed access to the greatest distraction of all – Iran’s nuclear facility being moved under a mountain: a catalyst which Israel repeatedly said is the only reason to attack a weaponizing, nuclear Iran, and which took place some time in 2012. Now that the official window of opportunity is closed, will Israel tone back on the aggressive rhetoric? Hardly: after all that is precisely why the Syrian “outlet valve” has been put in play over the past 6 months.

From Reuters:

Iran will begin six days of naval drills in the Strait of Hormuz at the end of this week, an Iranian naval commander said on Tuesday, an exercise meant to showcase its military capabilities in what is a vital oil and gas shipping route.

The “Velayat 91″ drills will be held from Friday to Wednesday across an area of about 1 million square kilometres in the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Oman and northern parts of the Indian Ocean, said Habibollah Sayyari, according to Iranian media.

Iranian officials have often said that Iran could block the strait – through which 40 percent of the world’s sea-borne oil exports pass – if it came under military attack over its disputed nuclear programme.

Sayyari was quoted as saying the new drill would test the navy’s missile systems, combat ships, submarines and patrol and reconnaissance methods.

“In this exercise we will use the navy’s newest weapons and tactics,” Sayyari said. “Certainly we will observe the marine borders of neighbouring states and will carry out our exercises according to international laws and regulations.”

A heavy Western naval presence in the Gulf is meant to deter any attempt to block the waterway.

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Piers Morgan Faces Deportation… But Jeremy Clarkson Pleads ‘Don’t Send Him Back’

Sara C Nelson
Huffington Post

Piers Morgan’s popularity continues to plummet – not only is the petition calling for him to be deported now on more than 61,000 signatures, but Jeremy Clarkson has weighed into the fray, issuing a public plea that the chat show host is NOT returned to Britain.

The row erupted after CNN host Morgan attacked the right to bear arms in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre.

A gun lobby petition to deport Morgan is now well over the required threshold of 25,000 signatories – meaning the White House has an obligation to respond.

Now Morgan’s geographical location is on even shakier ground, after Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson tweeted a plea that the former British tabloid editor is not returned to his homeland.

Full article here

California Lawmakers Take Aim at Gun Rights

Steven Greenhut

It took only days before California’s legislators reacted to the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy with a fusillade of bills designed to take California closer to Democratic leaders’ unstated but obvious goal: making it essentially illegal for Californians to own firearms.

I write “essentially” because the strategy isn’t to ban guns outright, but to mire ownership in so many layers of regulation that owning a gun becomes even more frustrating and costly than operating a business in this state. Legislators aren’t stupid. Direct assaults on gun ownership generate pushback, but killing this constitutional right through a thousand cuts is less confrontational.

California already has the toughest gun regulations of any state, yet legislators (including a Republican) have introduced a long list of new proposals at news conferences where they used the Connecticut tragedy to grandstand.

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Disabled Workers Hit New Record in December: 8,827,795

Terence P. Jeffrey

The Social Security program ran a $47.8 billion deficit in fiscal 2012 as the program brought in $725.429 billion in cash and paid $773.247 for benefits and overhead expenses, according to official data published by Social Security Administration.

The Social Security Administration also released new data revealing that the number of workers collecting disability benefits hit a record 8,827,795 in December–up from 8,805,353 in November.

The overall number of Social Security program beneficiaries—including retired workers, dependent family members and survivors and disabled workers and their dependent family members—also hit a record in December, climbing from 56,658,978 in November to 56,758,185 in December.

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New study: Infants receiving most vaccines are most likely to be hospitalized and die

Neil Z. Miller

A new study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, a peer-reviewed journal indexed by the National Library of Medicine, analyzed more than 38,000 reports of infant hospitalizations and deaths following vaccinations.[1] Researchers found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates: babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher (worse) hospitalization and death rates.

Infants who received 2 vaccines simultaneously were significantly less likely to be hospitalized than infants who received 3 or more vaccines at the same time. Infants who received 3 vaccines simultaneously were significantly less likely to be hospitalized than infants who received 4 or more vaccines at the same time. Babies who received 6, 7, or 8 vaccines during a single pediatric well-baby visit were the most likely to be hospitalized following their injections. In fact,the hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% for infants receiving 2 vaccine doses to 23.5% for infants receiving 8 vaccine doses.

The authors of the study, Dr. Gary Goldman and Neil Z. Miller, also discovered that younger infants were significantly more likely to be hospitalized after receiving vaccinations than older infants. In addition, infants who received 5-8 vaccines simultaneously were significantly more likely to die following their shots than infants who received 1-4 vaccines simultaneously.

Several factors could contribute to whether an infant will have an adverse reaction to vaccines, including a genetic predisposition, illness (which may be a contraindication to vaccineadministration), quality of vaccines (which can vary by manufacturing methods), and sensitivity to one or more vaccine components. Some infants might be more likely to experience an adverse reaction due to biochemical or synergistic toxicity associated with concurrent administration of multiple vaccines.

In 1990, infants received a total of 15 vaccine doses prior to their first year of life. By 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended 26 vaccine doses for infants: 3 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hib, 3 hepatitis B, 3 pneumococcal, 3 rotavirus, and 2 influenza vaccines.

The CDC’s Childhood Immunization Schedule Was Not Tested for Safety, Lacks Scientific Veracity:

While each childhood vaccine has individually undergone clinical trials to assess safety, studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of combining vaccines during a single physician visit as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines. For example, 2-, 4-, and 6-month-old infants are expected to receive vaccines for polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and pneumococcal, all during a single well-baby visit – even though this combination of 8 vaccines was never tested in clinical trials.

Although the CDC’s recommended childhood immunization schedule a) requires infants to receive up to 8 vaccines simultaneously, b) affects millions of infants annually, and c) was never scientifically tested for safety, the CDC had prior knowledge that combining chemical substances, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, “can produce health consequences that are additive, synergistic, antagonistic, or can potentiate the response expected from individual component exposures.”[2]

Administering 6, 7, or 8 vaccine doses to an infant during a single physician visit may certainly be more convenient for parents — rather than making additional trips to the doctor’s office — but evidence of a positive association between infant adverse reactions and the number of vaccine doses administered confirms that vaccine safety must remain the highest priority.

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