Sugar or Sweetener? Your Body Knows What’s Right

Susan B Dopart
Huffington Post

Have you ever been sitting in a restaurant and watched someone add multiple pink, blue or yellow packets to their food or drink? Whenever I see one of these “packet aficionados,” I just want to lean over and ask, “What’s wrong with good old-fashioned sugar?”

Some days I feel like I am “sweet talking” all day long. Many clients I see in my practice have come to believe that artificial sweeteners are a healthier way to satisfy their cravings for sweet. Unfortunately, they’re not.

As a culture, how did we get so sweet obsessed, anyway? Like MTV, The Simpsons and Cyndi Lauper, they came to fame in the 1980s.

How Sweet is Sweet Enough?

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One Response

  1. I work as a nurse and when I ring up the kitchen to order a meal for a diabetic patient, they always get artificial sweeteners.

    Just terrible – but that is what is supplied for diabetics.

    I tried the artificial sweetener many years ago (when I did not know any better) and all I could taste was bitter chemicals and it was disgusting so I never used them again.

    should be banned

    my father-in-law gives my 11 year old son, chewing gum with artificial sweeteners – I have asked him to stop and explained why and my son said that the FIL told him that I “have no idea of what I am talking about” and continues to give it to him

    meanwhile, FIL (who does use some products with artificial sweeteners), has lung problems, stomach ulcers, skin cancer.

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