‘Fight against terror pretext for waging wars’

Press TV

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says hegemonic powers wage wars under different pretexts to take over other countries’ natural resources.

Ahmadinejad, in a meeting with Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo in Tehran on Wednesday, said that there are certain powers that are seeking to gain control of natural resources in the Middle East by waging wars in the region under the pretext of “freedom, human rights and fight against terror.”

“If countries avoid seeking things beyond their rights and relations among countries are established based on justice, peace will be established in the world,” Fars news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.

He also called for expansion of ties between Iran and Guyana.

Jagdeo, for his part, urged strong ties between the two countries, noting that Western powers are trying to dominate other nations through media propaganda and their plot should be confronted using organized measures.

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