The Coming World Government

Adrian Salbuchi
New Dawn

Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the death of millions… The world’s become a pretty dangerous and pitiful place to live in, and it only gets worse…

Which leads us to the obvious question: Why? Why is all this happening? Can we explain it away as Man’s wicked nature? Or his folly and ignorance? Perhaps just a series of bad mistakes and wrong turns on key issues?

Most everybody will have a ready reply, no doubt coloured by his or her own philosophical outlook. The more rational will say it’s just wrong decisions taken by normal people in an environment of growing complexity. Optimists will shrug their shoulders playing things down with the quaint statement that there’s always been war, persecution, poverty and corruption… Pessimists, as always, will complain that we’re all doomed, especially if they are “2012-repent-the-end-of-the-world-draws-nigh” types. What, then, should we think?

First, A Word About “Conspiracies…”

If you don’t buy any of the above explanations, and you feel that today’s calamities are being purposefully engineered – that some group of people somewhere control the course of world events – then be careful because you risk being branded another paranoid, hallucinating, conspiracy theory kook.

Don’t let that worry you too much because those who disqualify as mere “conspiracy theories” any attempt to put together an alternative model of how global power really works are either, (a) blissfully ignorant and believe in the “world according to CNN and FoxNews”; (b) near-sighted on key long-term geopolitical processes; or (c) purposely deceptive and thus have an axe to grind protecting the Global Power Elite, which always reacts with uneasiness whenever someone shines a light on them. I will only deal with the last of these options.

Debunking “conspiracy theory” accusations is really not all that hard because what is thus branded is really just normal human behaviour. Or should we yell “Conspiracy!” every time two or more people having common interests and goals come together to coordinate and articulate their actions, joining forces to promote such goals and objectives more easily and with a higher degree of certainty? We see this at work in our community, schools, even in our own families. Such normal human behaviour is so ubiquitous that nobody bothers to mention it – that is not until you point out the highest echelons of world power also do exactly the same.

Every time somebody says very powerful individuals and entities quite predictably also engage in common actions, planning, and agreements in order to achieve common goals, the “C-word” kicks in with all its might ready to kill any such line of thought or investigation dead in its tracks.

How dare you say that global bankers plot to manipulate money and finance so they can control economies, markets, governments and the media! How dare you insinuate that the rich and powerful create organisations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) or the Trilateral Commission to do their geopolitical mega planning supporting long-term Global Power Elite interests bent on imposing World Government on Mankind! How can you be so paranoid as to even suggest that Money Power uses its clout to place “their people” in the White House, Parliament, Downing Street, the Casa Rosada, and Editors’ desks in all major media outlets?

That is the mainstream reaction whenever we speak of bankers, oil men, defence contractors, politicians, journalists and their respective corporations, organisations, banks, lobbies, lodges, armies – who all most clearly do have common interests and objectives – coming together and using their vast money flows to exert iron-fist control over society. This is all so obvious that only very naïve people (or very cheeky “analysts” on the Elite payroll!) conclude otherwise. What is really naïve is to think that George Soros never picks up the phone to discuss mutual plans with Sir Henry Kissinger or Christine Lagarde; or that David Rockefeller never dines with his Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg brethren.

Don’t be taken aback by the “C” word. Whoever uses it to silence lucid and aware people do so because they know nothing is more dangerous to them than… lucid and aware people! 

Let’s now take a look at how the world really works, call it “conspiracy” or otherwise.

World Government

The dream of erecting a world government controlled by a very small, extremely powerful and elusive minority goes back several centuries. Its roots lie not just on the political stage but, more so, in social, cultural and religious spheres, often with symbolic, “occult” overtones.

In our time it has been variously described under the guise of “New World Order,” “One World,” “Over-World” and, more recently, “Globalisation.” Call it what you will, the facts are that national sovereignty, which is the ability of the People to organise around nation-states, to make the final decisions on their own affairs, from being a sharply defined concept is now so eroded and diffuse that no one can readily define exactly what sovereignty means today.

Maybe this would be acceptable if national sovereignty were lessened for the sake of better coping with global problems affecting Mankind as a whole – for the Common Good – however increasing famine, disease, contamination and war shows a very different picture. Why? The reason is that basically World Government is not emerging around robust global public institutions that have (or should have) the Public Good of We the People in the forefront, but rather around private organisations that have sectorial profit and interests at their forefront. In fact, the World Government we see rising before our eyes has one key, seldom mentioned, characteristic: it’s private.

Private Power

Let’s start from basics: what drives the world today is not justice, it’s not the pursuit of the Common Good, nor international law, nor ethical values, nor democracy. What governs the world is Power and today Power has been illegitimately amassed in the hands of a tiny usurping minority. What do we mean by “Power”?

Firstly, Power is the concrete ability to plan, promote, organise, and carry out actions, the results of which invariably lead to specific and desired objectives and goals in the short, medium and long terms. Power is the capacity and ability to make certain things happen irrespective of any resistance, and at the same time blocking certain other things from happening irrespective of their force; if need be by war…

This definition spans political, economic, industrial, financial, business, technological, cultural, psychological and (usually, in the last instance) military stages. The exercise of Power requires coordinated and intelligent use of all resources at hand – whether plentiful or lean, physical or virtual – with the view of achieving concrete objectives and goals.

Secondly, we should differentiate Formal Power from Real Power. What the media show us are the very high profile visible results of actions carried out by Formal Power structures, i.e., national governments, financial markets and the media. However, Real Power levers that make things happen are far less visible. They plan out what happens in the world, when it happens, where, and who makes it happen. Symmetries between Real Power and Formal Power help explain how our global system works. Let’s recap:

Real Power is centred on discrete proactive structures and organisations that drive concrete and effective political, economic and social processes in a nation, a region, a social class, a public or private institution, or a combination of these. Its effectiveness stems from its continuity in time that allows it to grow and leverage its capacity for world domination. Real Power structures drive causes which, although themselves not visible, nevertheless generate highly visible results.

Formal Power is centred on structures that are for the most part reactive executors of strategies and decisions emanating from Real Power structures. These include high profile structures like major multinational corporations, transnational banks, multimedia monopolies, key universities and the top echelons of government in all countries (presidents, cabinet members, congressmen, judges). Formal Power structures are accountable for high-profile effects that have their roots in low profile causes emanating from Real Power structures.

The conquest and use of power has much in common with surfing: a dangerous staying balanced, a perilous not falling off the board, a flexible control of speed, direction and pitch. Good surfers “ride the wave” just as Italian philosopher Julius Evola recommended we learn to “Ride the tiger...” Come to think of it power also seems to have a feline, hunting and preying style and gait to it.

This leads to the need of clearly grasping a fundamental and harsh “Law of Power”:

Those who have Power use it to promote and drive their objectives and interests; those who do NOT have Power must suffer the consequences of the actions of those who do have the Power to promote and drive their objectives and interests. 

Here lie the roots of the dramatic situation most countries suffer today because power is no longer in the hands of people and organisations working towards the Common Good.

The Pyramid

It helps to approach Power from a Corporate viewpoint. After all, the modern corporation developed, thrived and survived enormously over centuries of time becoming a key driver in the on-going shift that “privatised” power, transferring the reins of control from public political institutions to eminently private economic structures articulated in three vertical hierarchical levels:

Shareholders, who are the real owners and controllers of the Corporation, even if they seldom or ever become involved in its operational and administrative processes. Shareholders focus on finance, not economic production;

Directors, who represent shareholders and supervise/oversee the correct, efficient and proper operation of the Corporation in accordance with shareholder interest. They are accountable for ensuring maximum growth of present and future stock yields with minimum expense, thus making the capitalist corporation intrinsically an antisocial agent.

Managers, who are well-paid employees accountable for the day-to-day running of the Corporation. Normally, they are trained and hard working specialists who add value to the Corporation through their talent, organisational skills and discipline.

Today the superstructure of a veritable World Government already exist, but for the most part we do not recognise it as such because the paradigms normally associated with the concept of “government” are not readily visible. Rather, since power has become privatised, today’s World Government has much more in common with traditional private power structures described above. This lies at the very foundations of “globalisation,” where power is private and “democracy” is the preferred political system through which private power structures control public government i.e., through money.

Therefore public power – “government” – in almost every country can only occupy the lower level of decision-making (President, Prime Minister, Congress, Parliament, etc.). Medium and upper level decisions all lie above or outside national governments and countries, so we the People have no access or control over them, even though they deeply affect us all. Let’s have a closer look at how this hierarchy of global power plays out in practice:

Top Level Decisions (i.e., the “Owners” of this world) – Geopolitical Scope

In the private corporate world, upper level decisions are taken by shareholders. In the public World Government this is done by the Global Power Elite. Save in major countries as the US, UK, Russia, China and France, national governments have little or no access to this upper decision level where the “Masters of the World” wield Real Power. This is all coordinated by and grouped around the following major axes dealing with the geopolitical:

Think Tanks – A compact, hierarchical, seamless and very powerful global network of geostrategic planning centres – so-called “think tanks” – notably, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs (“Chatham House”), World Economic Forum, Project for a New American Century (PNAC), amongst others. Their job is to plan out the long-term development of complex political, economic, financial, technological, military and cultural processes, integrating them into consistent, sustainable and complex geopolitical models, geared to achieving growing long-term national, regional and global domination.

Finance Dynastic Families wielding immense economic, financial and social power and fortune since generations, even centuries: i.e., Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon, Bin-Laden, Bush, Buffet and others.

Royal Dynasties and Noble Bloodlines who wielded social, economic, religious and financial Power for centuries (i.e., the ruling nobilities of Britain, Holland, Spain, Belgium, as well as the “uncrowned nobilities” in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Portugal). They closely link-in with their counterparts in Islamic sheikdoms and patrician financial “nobilities” in the US and Far East.

Religious Organisations – Political structures of key religious faiths, notably The Vatican, Church of England, Lutheran and Calvinist Churches, the Jewish Sanhedrin, Evangelical and Pentecostal organisations, many of them staunchly pro-Zionist;

Supranational Political Structures – Freemasonry, Zionism, International Social Democracy, International Christian Democracy, various NGO’s and lobbies. Here we find the highest echelons of global power coming together at its pyramidal apex. No doubt, whatever lies behind “Illuminati” tradition dwells here: a compact Round Table of “Elders” representing money power, Dynastic families, Kings, Queens and Sheiks, Vatican priests, Rabbis, Lutheran and Anglican clergy, and the bloodlines from where the future “King of the World” shall arise. The buck stops there.

Organised Crime – Not surprisingly organised crime interacts with “legitimate” power structures and may even be created by them under various “operational agreements.” This brings under the fold various Mafias, arms dealers, drug cartels, money launderers, plus their respective financial managers. Boundaries are not clear-cut because organised criminal groups seem to have successfully embedded themselves into “legitimate” organisations, including the CIA, MI6, Mossad, DEA, FBI, SEC, financial institutions, stock exchanges, and armed and security forces. The New World Order power structure contains pacts and agreements forged with major criminal organisations willing to respect and abide by unwritten guidelines and rules of engagement.

Mid-Level Decisions (the “Deciders”) – Strategic Scope

In the private corporate world, these are in the hands of the Directors. In the public World Government this refers to a set of major players: multinational corporations, transnational financial institutions, media monopolies, major universities, and specific sectors in all national governments, notably in the areas of foreign policy, economics and defence.

They direct and channel huge resources to finance political campaigns that promote previously screened, selected and approved political parties and candidates, maintaining a credible balance and image in order to ensure the electorate always have the – albeit, false – impression that “the people elect those who govern them”: let’s call this the “democracy game.”

Monopoly multimedia organisations, in turn, execute intense short-term PsyOps campaigns (e.g., right before an election), whilst the educational system executes medium- and long-term psychological pressure to ensure the population at large believe, accept, embrace and play the “democracy game” questioning little or nothing about it.

Lower Level Decisions (Day-to-Day “Operators”) – Operational Scope

In the private corporate world, these are in the hands of Managers. In the public World Government, these are “the Authorities”: i.e., governments, law enforcement agencies, armed & security forces, controlling and supervisory entities, and the like. It includes “The President” or “Prime Minister” as head of the Executive Branch, Congressmen and women (or Parliamentarians) in the Legislative, and judges in the Judiciary branches of public government.

A nation’s president or prime minister is thus limited to merely executing short-term management level decisions during their short tenures in office (usually, three or four years with, perhaps, one possible re-election term: clearly too short a span to consolidate continuity of power). They can be described as the “CEO’s” of our countries with clipped wings and permanently challenged by a similar tightly controlled group of pre-selected “opposition” candidates, also canvassed, screened and approved by the “Directors” and “Shareholders” of the Global Power Elite who control the whole democracy game, financing costly election campaigns and media-based PsyOps.

Read full article here

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